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Sheryl listening on the street


Our government doesn't see us

Career politicians in Washington have lost sight of Main Street. They can’t, or won’t, take a look at where we live. They’ve stopped trying to understand what we need and what’s fair.


Career politicians like my opponent take their orders from big-money donors, profit-hungry corporations, and special-interest lobbyists who don't care about South Dakota families. We work too hard but never get ahead because the system is rigged against us…and it's only getting worse.


Right now, I'm traveling all over South Dakota to listen to YOU. To hear what YOU need from Congress. I'm listening to your stories to hear about your struggles so I can carry them with me all the way to DC.


The struggles of YOUR lives are weapons I’ll use to fight back, and fight FORWARD. To make THE government OUR government again. To take back OUR government from the grip of career politicians and billionaires. I’ll fight to make it work for the PEOPLE again.

What I'm hearing from South Dakotans like us

Sheryl talking with Native family
Sheryl leaning down to chat with a South Dakota resident wearing a ball cap
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